

 Today we had a bellringer.The bellringer was about our future and what we wanted to be when we got older.We then had to go to this website and see the data and stuff on how much each occupation makes and the details about it.It showed all the data for each states for every occupation.


 Today we had to stay in second period for 3 hours again.We sat and watched a movie.


 Today we had to stay in 2nd period for 3 hours.We played hang man and the teacher showed some of  us our schedule for next year.


 Today I slept all day.I didn’t have to take no End of course test so I was just catching up on work.


 Today I took the second part of my end of course test.This part was a little harder then that first but I still feel like I did good.


 Today I took the first part of my end of course test for American Literature.It was easy I was just sleepy.


 Today all we did was test.