
Showing posts from September, 2021


 Today we did a bellringer.We had to pick a song that describes our life rn.I chose Solid by Lil baby.After that my group presented our Group project.Then we did a kahoot 


 Today in class we had no bellringer.We jumped right into presenting our group assignments.The speakers read their portion off the book and had task to do after.My group didn’t go today we go tomorrow.I am ready to present and get it over with.


 Today in class we started off with a bellringer about feeling like an outsider.Then we discussed it.Then the teacher broke us up into groups.In out groups we all have different jobs to do.He also gave each group pages to read from the Book The Color Purple.


 Today in class we started off with a bellringer.We had to write a letter to god.After that we read “The Color Purple” and we talked about the characters.We made a chart about the character Nettie. Then we had to answer 2 questions.


 Today in class I didn’t learn anything.We started class off wit a bellringer about our relationship wit our parents.Then we discussed it.We started reading the color purple today.It’s a pretty good book so far but it’s sad and graphic.I’m fine with that though.


 Today in class I learn what hope was.Hope is a feeling of trust.I also learned that faith meant.Faith is complete confidence in something.Today in class we read a bunch of quotes and had to tell what it meant.


 Today in class we did 6 topics and we wrote a paragraph about each one.Then we got a poem.The poem was about death.We also annotated the poem.

Write about something that doesn’t get better.

 School doesn’t get better.It’s like everyday get worse and worse.Especially if you friends don’t come to school then school is miserable.School is only fun when a fight or something interesting happens.Other then that school is boring and get worse everyday.

Write about something you’d planned to do.

 Something I planned to do is go to the game Friday.I already planned out what I’m going to where.I already planned how I’m going to get there.I also planned out what I’m going to eat after the game.

Write about a question you wished you’d asked.

 A question I wish I would’ve asked is Why did you kick me out your class.I wish I would’ve asked this question to one of my old teachers.She was so mean and she would be mean for nothing.It’s like she hated her job and one day she kicked me out for nothing ,and I wish I would’ve asked her why she kicked me out.

Write about when you knew you were in trouble.

 I remember when I was about 8 years old and I was playing after my mom told me stop playing.I didn’t listen and I kept playing and I had broke this glass.I tried to hide it but it didn’t work so I had to eventually tell my mother about it.I got in so much trouble and I learned from that day forward to listen to what my mother was telling me.

Write about something you can’t Deny.

 I can’t deny being African American.I am African American and everyone can see that I am African American.I love being African American and I wouldn’t change it.Nobody should Deny being African American.You should love being Black.

Write about something you used to know how to do.

 I used to know how to do back flips but as I got older I lost my ability to do so.I used to be really flexible when I was younger but no anymore.I also used to run really fast.As I got older and lazier I lost that ability too.I don’t even run anymore I walk everywhere.


 Today in class I learned about Mental Illness.Mental illness is when it feels like your in a brain is in a casket.We read a poem about feeling dead inside.We annotated the poem and we figured out 2 themes for the poem.


 Today I learned what the word dreary mean.Dreary means dull and depressing.I also learned what Bog means.Bog means wet muddy ground too soft to support a heavy body. We read 2 poems one about being nobody. The other was about forgiving and your heart.


 Today I learned what hue mean.Hue is another word for color.I also learned what Eden was.It is a place in the Bible.Today in class we read a poem and answered 15 questions about the poem.


 Today I learned about childhood and what makes my childhood special.I said the Skating rink made my childhood special because it was my favorite place to be.Then we read a poem.I learned about destiny.I also learned about Pre-Destiny.


 Today in class I learned what mesmerizing meant.Mesmerizing means capturing ones complete attention.I also learned about poems.We read a poem.Then we answered questions about it.


 Today in class I learned about childhood.I also learned why childhood is important.Childhood is you life between the ages of 1 and 15.Childhood is so important because you only get one and it sets up how your going to be for the rest of your life.Never grow up too fast enjoy childhood while you can.


 Today I didn't really learn much because we were testing.I did learn a little bit.What I learned was how to write an essay.To write and essay you will need an introduction,Body 1,Body 2, and to end it off a conclusion paragraph.I learned what goes in each paragraph today 


 Today I didnt really learn much because we were testing.I did learn a little bit.What I learned was how to write an essay.To write and essay you will need an introduction,Body 1,Body 2, and to end it off a conclusion paragraph.


 Today in class I learned about ethos logos and pathos.I learned that if your trying to argue and you don’t have credibility your argument is going to get shot down.You also need to have experience before you argue.I also learned that age has a lot to do with experience.You can’t argue unless you have facts to back it up.


  Today I learned about claims.A claim is a statement saying that something happened a certain way or will happen.We learned about the 3 different types of claims.Claim of Policy,Claim of Fact, Claim of Value.I also learned more about ethos logos and pathos.


 Today we learned about arguing and fighting.We learned the difference between the 2.We also learned about the Oj Simpson Case.We learned about Logos,Ethos,and Pathos.I also learned that everything is an argument.  


 Today I learned about creation myths.Then we did a Kahoot.I learned about stuff that is happening in America.I learned about football logos.I also learned about more logos but they weren’t football logos.