
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Today in class we had no bellringer.We started off by finishing up our assignments from yesterday.Then each group began to present their job.My job was the summarizer so it was pretty easy.But overall class was chill today.


 Today in class we had no bellringer.The teacher split us up into groups of three.When we got in the groups he gave each member a different job.My job is The Summarizer.After that we had to read the book and do our jobs. 


 Today in class soon as we got in there the teacher took up the work from yesterday.Then he gave us an Article to read together.The article was about teens and whether they had their licenses or no.Then we had a discussion about it.Them we had to draw a picture about the Article.


 Today in class we had no bellringer.Soon as we got in class the teacher gave us a worksheet.We had to read letters 41-50 together in class.After that we started on the worksheet.We didn’t finish so we have to turn it in for homework.




 Today was a pretty productive day.I washed and blow dried my hair.I get it done on Sunday.So that it can be fresh for me going back to school.After I finished that I cleaned up my room because it was a mess.Then after I cleaned up my room I cleaned the kitchen.


 Today I stayed in bed.I didn’t wake up until 2 in the afternoon.My package came in the mail.I had ordered me some clothes from H&M so I could have me an outfit to go back to school In.I’m happy with what I ordered


 Today I finished taking out my hair.I put it in a quick style because I’m getting it did on Sunday.Today I cooked some chicken salad.It was really good and my whole family enjoyed it.After that I just cleaned up a little bit and went to bed.


Today is the first day back to school from fall break.I’m still suspended so I can’t go back.My break was pretty good I had fun with my friends in Tennessee.Today I didn’t do anything.I started taking out my hair and that’s about it.


  Today is my first day on suspension.I really didn’t do anything.I layed in bed most of the day.Then when I finally got up me and my mother went to Walmart.I also went to go get a haircut because I’m going out of town tomorrow.I’m going to Tennessee with my friends.


Today in class we had no bellringer.When we got to class he gave us a pop quiz.I failed but whatever I’m not stressing it.After that the class had to finish an assignment they had got yesterday.I wasn’t in class yesterday so I’m just starting.I hope he don’t expect me to be finished with this before class is over because I’m not.


 Today I didn’t go to class because it was picture day.I had to help because I’m part of the yearbook club.Soon as I got to school I had to report to Mr.Russell’s class.We went to the gym to set up and get ready for the students to come.I sat at a table and gave out Student Name cards.


 Today I class we didn’t have a bellringer again.We got right into reading the book The Color Purple.  After we read our letters we got an assignment.We had to choose a character and act like them.We had to fight a letter to God in character 

Dear Letter To God.

 Dear god Thank you for getting me out of jail finally.I really miss my kids I barely see them.I’m working for the white woman.Something Ive never wanted to be doing.I hate white people so much.All I can think about is how I want to kill them.  I don’t even feel that or I’m here . All I have to do is watch these kids then I can get on. Bad lil kid don kicked me and hurt himself . Miss Celie made me giggle a bit today… felt a little good. Most days I’m tired and don’t want to be there . I really do hate this job. Jesus take the will, and lord , please do have  mercy 


 Today we didn’t have a bellringer like we usually do.We jumped right into the lesson.The people who had their poems read them and then we got a worksheet.I unfortunately left my poem at home but I’m going to present it tomorrow.But after that we got a worksheet and had to read the book to answer the worksheet.


 Today in class we started off with a belling ringer like we usually do.The question was what does being happy mean to us.After that we read more of the novel the Color Purple. We read letters 29 to 35.After that we had to make our own poem.


 Today in class we didn’t have a bell ringer.We continued reading the book “The Color Purple”.Then the teacher gave us an assignment/project.We had to pick a character and do a project on them.For my character I chose Celie.


 Today in class we did a warm up.It was about what should you look for in a husband/wife.Them we took some notes in our notebook.Then we discussed the notes a little bit.Then we had to write a letter to the teacher .We had to write about what motivates us to learn and how do we learn.


 Today we continued reading the book “The Color Purple”.Then we got back into our groups and mr.Rease gave us a paper.He assigned each group a character from the book.He also assigned each group a category.We then had to walk around the room and fill out our category on each paper.