
Showing posts from November, 2021


 Today in class we got a passage.We had to define what the word ambush meant to us.Then the teacher read the passage and told us to underline.After that we had some questions about the passage that we had to answer.We did them as a class.


 When we first got to class the teacher was trying to get us to log into this new website we never used before.It didn’t work at first.Then he somehow Got it to work.Then after that we did a fun Kahoot.


 Today we had a substitute.We didn’t do anything really but missing work.But I really don’t have any so I just sat there and enjoyed myself.


 Today when we got in class we had to turn the homework from last night.After that we continued to read the color  purple.We got a book and had to turn to that page.After that we began to read as a class.Then he had got a 5 question quiz that we did together.


 Today when we first got in class we went to the gym.We went to the gym to pick out classes that we want for our senior year.After that we went back to the room and started back ready the color purple.After that the teacher gave us questions to do.


 Today I class we had a bellringer about college.Then we had a discussion about college and tuition.We also talked about student loans and debt.We had 2 passages about college and student debt .


 Today was make up day for some of us.If you didn’t have any assignments then it was a free day.I have 4 assignments to do.I’m not stressing it tho because  I got a 87 in this class.


 Today was just like yesterday.All we did was do our benchmark.Today was the last day so linger blog coming tomorrow.


 Today we had No bellringer.We started on our benchmark and that’s what we did the whole class.


 Today in class we did a bellringer.The bellringer was about supporting black owned.Then after that we had talked about black owned businesses.The teacher then showed us some stuff.Then we had a assignment on black owned businesses and we had to do a PowerPoint.


 Today in class we had a bellringer.The bellringer was about Black Lives Matter.After that we did a whole assignment about Black Lives Matter.We had questions to go along wit a power point.We had to answer the questions and turn it in.We also learned a lot about Hbcu’s.


 Today I class we finished reading the poem we stared reading yesterday.We discussed about the poem after each stanza.The teacher showed us some pictures on Google and explained it to us more so we could have a good understanding.After that the teacher passed out a quiz and we did it.


 Today in class the bellringer was about rejection and how you deal with it.I’ve never been rejected so I don’t have to deal with it.After that we started reading a poem.The poem had questions to go with it.So after we would read a stanza we would answer the questions.