
 This My Origin Myth - The Story of Lifeness 

Origin Myth-The story of Lifeness.

Darren Williams


American Literature

 27 August 20 2021

   Before there was a time when there were no humans only large bodies of water,plants and a goddess named lifeness and her pet tiger.Lifeness lived on the world with her tiger surviving off of just water and plants.Lifeness was the goddess of life and created all humans and animals.Lifeness and her tiger began to get bored and lonely on the earth all alone.So she created 2 humans.She named both humans..The humans were named jane and john.Lifeness and her creations became super close and began to do everything together.Such ass eat,sleep,play,Sing everything.

   Until one day the earth started to shake and strong winds came about.The Shaking shook the earth so hard the floor under them began to crack,and they began to separate.Lifeness called this an earthquake.Lifeness and her creations began to panic.Then suddenly winds began to blow so hard it knocked everything over.Lifeness called this a tornado.They were all separated on different parts of the earth.As they were separated lifeness began to get lonely and bored again so she created 2 more humans.This time naming the humans Kyle and Kara.Lifeness got so close with these creations that she forgot all about jane,john and tiger.

   This made her first set of creations very angry and they grew hatred towards Lifeness.They were jealous and seeked revenge.They felt that lifeness did this on purpose so They made a plan too hurt Lifeness and her new creations.They were going to find them and burn them to death.Lifeness knew nothing about the plan and went on about her life .Lifeness made more and more creations.Jane and John  finally found out where lifeness and the new creations were and began to spy on them.

 Lifeness noticed this and became very angry and wanted to punish them.So she began to blow this time blowing Jane and John and the tiger away.She also began to shake the earth cracking the ground under them once again.Jane and John and the tiger were confused because they had been through this before.Lifeness was the one that made the earthquake and tornado happen the first time.It was to test her first creations to see how they would react,Jane and John failed the test horribly.Lifeness was furious and upset that her creations tried to turn on her.So she punished them.She left the earth with her new creations leaving Jane and John and the tiger there all alone.She then set the earth on fire,and made jane,john and tiger an example to all her other creations.She told them that is they ever betrayed her they would be sent to the fire pit with Jane John and Tiger.

My story is a valid creation math because it explains the origin of humans.The goddess lifeness is the creator and created everything.They were important to the story because they were mad and they represented jealousy.The elements were earth and wind.It shows that human were made out of loneliness.


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